
63 found, showing page 2 of 5
  Item Description Price
25PK 1 GPH Dripper 757708 25PK 1 GPH Dripper 18.99
25PK1/2GPH Comp Dripper 757690 25PK1/2GPH Comp Dripper 18.99
1/2 Swivel Tee 625657 1/2 Swivel Tee 4.29
10PK1/2GPH Mini Dripper 616250 10PK1/2GPH Mini Dripper 10.99
10PK 1 GPH Dripper 616243 10PK 1 GPH Dripper 10.99
10PK 2 GPH Dripper 616235 10PK 2 GPH Dripper 10.99
10PK1/2GPH Comp Dripper 616227 10PK1/2GPH Comp Dripper 10.99
1/4 Drip Line Tap Off 497225 1/4 Drip Line Tap Off 3.79
1/2 Riser Adapter 497203 1/2 Riser Adapter 3.29
10PK Mini Line Dripper 496882 10PK Mini Line Dripper 10.99
Full Circ Stream Head 476408 Full Circ Stream Head 6.49
3/4" Swiv x 1/4"Adapter 472761 3/4" Swiv x 1/4"Adapter 2.49
10PK Half Circ Spr Head 470377 10PK Half Circ Spr Head 5.99
Half Circ Spr Bubbler 469056 Half Circ Spr Bubbler 2.79
10PK 4GPH Flag Dripper 466698 10PK 4GPH Flag Dripper 4.29
63 found, showing page 2 of 5